Published Books

Passion to Wealth
The Mountain Climber's Shortcut
How the gears of international high finance mesh together is still a mystery to most people. But don’t worry: the same applies to the big fish in the industry. They don’t understand all the connections and mechanisms either – even if they sometimes believe it themselves. The fact is that little of this is predictable, such as how stock prices will develop. At the same time, there are simple strategies that can also provide advantages for investment novices. It doesn’t matter whether the prices go up, down or to the side. You can always make money – good money – by staying cool and knowing when to do what. Yasin Sebastian Qureshi opens the doors to the once sacred halls of the financial world, which he disenchants bit by bit. At 29, he was the youngest person ever to run a bank in Europe. Together with Benjamin Bilski (Forbes „30 under 30“), Qureshi reports how even with simple ideas he repeatedly encountered resistance in the executive floors – until his success has proven that they work. With catchy strategies, psychological tips and anecdotes from the roller coaster ride of investment, the book Mit Leidenschaft zu Vermögen describes the shortcut to reaching the peak of how to master the permanent ups and downs of the financial markets: to pay without great financial outlay, years of study or hard money just to decipher complicated charts. All this with the aim of doing what you like to do in life – without bending yourself. Turn your passion into wealth, and your wealth can drive your passion. This little book will show you how it works.

Financial Revolution on the Horizon
How digital networking, blockchain and connectivity are creating billions of new customers and a fresh financial market
Too high costs, cumbersome processes, misguided incentives and, above all, more isolated divisional solutions. A financial system with methods and processes from the day before yesterday characterizes our banking. Yes, our entire lives and society – especially the state and public offices – are based on such archaic processes. In addition, billions of people worldwide are excluded from finance: they have no account. Overall, banks, currencies, payment methods and administrative processes are not sustainable. They do not meet the needs of many customers/citizens, nor the challenges of the time. Politically and socially, we flounder aimlessly, uncontrolled and inefficiently. The financial professional and entrepreneur Yasin Sebastian Qureshi – at 29 the youngest person ever to run a European bank – describes the groundbreaking solutions that have long been there: Digitalisation with the Internet, mobile and blockchain are the key drivers of developments, symbolized by crypto currencies as well. However, the revolutionary thing about blockchains is not the pure payment process, but the technology behind it, more efficient processes and especially the decentralized character and networking. Together with Benjamin Bilski (Forbes „30 under 30“) Qureshi outlines the future of finance and all essential administrative processes in economy and state, even whole states, on the basis of such blockchains. The authors also present the history, meaning and essence of money. It has always changed – but is now in a state of complete upheaval. For this reason, the two authors also shed light on the social, economic and political consequences of these changes. What happens when everything is organized in blockchains? Do not be afraid! The new foundations of our living and working together unleash forces that have so far been useless and inefficiently bound in technocratic working environments. After the industrialist, the next revolution follows. It starts in finance, will overturn everything there and spread to other areas. The blockchain gives us back time and potential – which we can use for other, better and more creative things. Cash, however, is likely to disappear in the medium term – just like banks. At least as we know it today.

Managed Futures
Insure your portfolio: Opportunities, mechanisms and strategies
Managed Futures – despite its almost 50-year history, this asset class is virtually unknown to German investors – is very unfortunate for investors because Managed Futures offer attractive returns with acceptable risks and can generate profits in all market situations. For this they use the possibilities of systemic and technical analysis. Managed futures are closely related to hedge funds in their organisation, but differ positively from them due to their investment philosophy, their high transparency, their strict regulation and their success in adverse times. In this book, the interested investor is given a vivid explanation of everything necessary to make an informed decision about investing in managed futures – how returns are generated, what costs are incurred, what risks exist and how managed futures have developed compared to other investments.

Praxishandbuch Finanzierung von Innovationen
Umfassende Übersicht über alle relevanten Finanzierungstools für Start-ups
Verfasst von rund 100 ausgewiesenen Experten Mit vielen nützlichen Erfahrungsberichten aus der Praxis. Dieses Buch gibt sowohl Kapitalgebern als auch kapitalsuchenden, innovativen Unternehmen praxisorientierte Hilfestellung bei der Entwicklung individueller Finanzierungslösungen. Damit wird die Grundlage dafür gelegt, dass intelligente und mutige Gründer*innen ihre Ideen, die Fortschritt und Nutzen für weite Bevölkerungsteile bedeuten, bestmöglich realisieren. Dazu zählen beispielsweise Medikamente zur Krebsbekämpfung, innovative Mobilitätskonzepte oder Technologien im Bereich erneuerbare Energien.